Nine broadcasters named to 2017 class of Broadcasters Hall of Fame

Nine distinguished individuals will be inducted into the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame at its 11th annual Induction and Awards Luncheon on Thursday, Sept. 28 at the Boston Marriott Hotel in Quincy. Slated for induction are (alphabetically): 7NEWS’ Byron Barnett Retired Channel 38 General Manager Dan Berkery KISS... Read More.

MA Broadcasters have productive trip to nation’s capital

A group of owners and General Managers representing the over-the-air television and radio broadcasters of Massachusetts took to Capitol Hill recently as part of the National Association of Broadcasters State Leadership Conference. The MBA visited with Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren along with Representatives... Read More.

Legislative success for broadcasters but a long road ahead

Broadcasters by and large had a successful year in Washington in 2014 but many of the same challenges will rear their heads again next year. Performance rights were and will be a topic of discussion in the halls of Congress.  In 2014, Congressmen Michael Conway... Read More.

2015 is the year of ‘localism’ for broadcasters

Never in human history have there been so many choices for entertainment.  In 2015, consumers will face an unprecedented number of options when it comes to how they spend their time.  Want to listen to music?  There’s broadcast radio, internet radio, podcasts, CDs, vinyl(!),... Read More.

Broadcasters work to preserve retrans

Following efforts from television broadcasters across the country, “Local Choice”, along with other potentially harmful amendments to the Satellite Television Access and Viewer Rights Act (STAVRA) were removed or modified during a Senate Commerce Committee mark up session on September 17th. The bill, largely thought... Read More.

Washington remains a busy place for Broadcasters

Between STELA (Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act) reauthorization, continued speculation about the broadcast television spectrum auction and performance rights issues for radio, Washington, D.C. is a busy place for broadcasters. On June 10, the Senate Judiciary Committee introduced a “clean” STELA reauthorization bill that... Read More.