MBA files letter with Forest Service over filming rights

The Massachusetts Broadcasters Association joined with many other State Broadcasters Associations in expressing concern that certain aspects of the US Forest Service’s current and proposed permitting process violate the First Amendment by imposing a “prior restraint”... Read More.

NAB to host cyber security webinar 12/10

Target, AT&T and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission are only a few of the major enterprises to suffer high-profile cyber-attacks in recent months. In fact, a host of radio stations in Arkansas, Virginia and elsewhere... Read More.

Another successful trip to D.C. for the MBA

During the last week in February, the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association took many of its board members to Washington, D.C. for the National Association of Broadcasters’ State Leadership Conference and then on to call on our members of Congress. The MBA group met with Senators Elizabeth... Read More.

STELA reauthorization has major implications for broadcasters

One of the top issues in front of television broadcasters in early 2014 is, essentially, a satellite television issue.  STELA (Satellite Television Expansion and Localism Act) is a bill that allows for satellite television companies to provide distant broadcast signals, which in the late... Read More.